What is Oracle CSI Number?

What is Oracle CSI Number?

Commonly asked questions are : What is the full form of CSI in Oracle?, What is a CSI contract?, What is the importance of CSI ? Why do I have so many CSI numbers in my Oracle portfolio? or just What is CSI in Oracle?

These questions clearly show that CSI is extremely important. Let’s delve into it right away.

The full form of C.S.I is Customer Support Identifier

What is CSI ?

  • CSI is a unique number assigned to Oracle licenses that are purchased in a single license agreement or Ordering Document.
  • The CSI is used to identify the licenses that are eligible for support.

Mechanics of Assignation and Use of Oracle CSI

  • A CSI number is assigned after the completion of signing an Oracle Ordering Document.
  • A group of products from different license sets but all purchased in the same license purchase order will have the same CSI.
  • Initially the CSI would be sent to the customer by Oracle Support. This is done after the customer has signed the OD and Oracle has invoiced the licenses.
  • For cloud contracts, this number is present in your contract document and also in Infrastructure Classic Console or Applications Console.
  • The CSI has to be registered on Oracle My Support
  • The CSI number has to be provided to Oracle whenever a support service request is raised.

Oracle CSI Number and Oracle Licensing

It is important to note that the CSI number plays an important part in the aspect of licensing and compliance. This is because it is used for support renewal payments. Oracle raises an invoice based on CSI numbers. CSI analysis is carried out by us during our Oracle audit defense services, baseline license assessments and ULA certification advisory services.

Read more about our Oracle licensing services

If you want to understand more about Java licensing, go to https://javalicenseexperts.com/




Sheshagiri helps companies reduce Software License & Support costs through deployment optimization and risk management in software license compliance audits. His core skills are Software License Management, Enterprise Software Sales & Sales Management.

Sheshagiri is, currently, the Managing Partner & Principle Licensing Advisor at Rythium Technologies. Prior to this, he was a Vice-President in Oracle Corporation.
