Java License Changes – Move to Zero Cost Java

Java License Changes - Move to Zero Cost Java

Why are we discussing Java License Changes?

The Java ecosystem was built on a high quality free JDK from Sun Microsystems and continued to grow through a similar free JDK from Oracle.

But, with Oracle now going to extremes with monetizing Java, it has become imperative for customers to look at how to manage costs around a till now ‘free’ product.

What is the change in costs for customers?


  • Employee Size: 10,000
  • ‘Commercial’ versions of Java found in 200 desktops
  • 14 servers need ‘commercial’ versions of Java.

(these are numbers taken from an average of many of our clients. In most cases the actual requirements are even lower. The average is skewed because of one outlier)


Oracle:              US$990,000 per year
Non-Oracle:    Between $50,000 to $150,000 per year
OpenJDK:        Zero

What are the cost options for the customer?

The choices in front of the customer are:

  1. Pay up the money Oracle is demanding.
  2. Get visibility of your Java estate and negotiate the correct money that you believe should be paid to Oracle.
  3. Migrate to non-oracle (this is essentially paying for support, security updates & latest versions)
  4. Migrate to OpenJDK (you will need to update the security patches every six months. A very good option for many)

How can we help?

Use the Rythium Java License Assessment Service. The scope of our Java License Assessment Service includes:

  • Java deployment discovery
  • Data Normalization & Identifying to Oracle Java Agreements
  • Contracts & Entitlement Analysis (Oracle and third party)
  • Normalization with third party entitlements
  • Normalization with other Oracle entitlements
  • Reporting
  • Negotiations and Hand Holding

Further details about our assessment service can be found here



Sheshagiri helps companies reduce Software License & Support costs through deployment optimization and risk management in software license compliance audits. His core skills are Software License Management, Enterprise Software Sales & Sales Management.

Sheshagiri is, currently, the Managing Partner & Principle Licensing Advisor at Rythium Technologies. Prior to this, he was a Vice-President in Oracle Corporation.
