Feedback on our Java License Review

Oracle Java License Review Feedback

Today is a happy day. Happy because we got a very lovely compliment from one of our clients about our work on Java License Reviews.

At one of our clients, there is a new CIO. We are currently working on an Oracle Java License Review here.

This CIO had earlier worked at another large firm with a similar number of 40,000 employees. During his stay there, another, globally reputed, firm had been engaged to conduct an Oracle Java license review.

He seemed to be comparing the work done the earlier firm and us when he said:

“This is the best work on Oracle Java licensing that I have seen. We commissioned similar work at my former company, but that firm’s analysis simply didn’t reach this level of detail. The level of detail, multiple perspectives & the licensing knowledge you provide equips us with the necessary information to engage with Oracle and clearly demonstrate that we are fully licensed.”

It is indeed a good day when you are offered an unsolicited and deeply gratifying assessment & feedback on your work.


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Sheshagiri helps companies reduce Software License & Support costs through deployment optimization and risk management in software license compliance audits. His core skills are Software License Management, Enterprise Software Sales & Sales Management.

Sheshagiri is, currently, the Managing Partner & Principle Licensing Advisor at Rythium Technologies. Prior to this, he was a Vice-President in Oracle Corporation.
