5C’s of Oracle ULA Certification

5C’s of Oracle ULA Certification are a checklist to prevent you from making costly mistakes.

5C’s of Oracle ULA Certification are:

  • Contract Review
  • Count the license deployment
  • Comply with the ULA terms
  • Count the deployment again
  • Certify the ULA

Contractual Review

This is the first C of the 5C’s of ULA Certification.

A thorough review of the Oracle ULA Ordering Document, OMA amendments, and all included annexures is essential. This review should encompass:

  • Language: Ensure that all terminology is clear and consistent.
  • Licensing Policies: Understand the specific licensing policies for each product.
  • Usage Rights: Identify any special usage rights or restrictions.
  • Deployment and Usage Restrictions: Review limitations on deployment and usage.
  • Certification Restrictions: Assess any constraints related to certification processes.
  • Support Costs and Contract Terms: Analyze support costs and contract terms.
  • Non-Contractual Obligations: Consider industry standards and your current deployment status.
  • Future Obligations: Be aware of any future commitments or terms.

License Counting

This is the second C of the 5C’s of ULA Certification.

Accurate license counting is crucial for ULA compliance. Conduct a comprehensive enterprise-wide discovery to:

  • Encompass All Deployments: Identify all Oracle software installations, including on-premises and cloud environments.
  • Catalog Oracle Products: Identify and catalog all Oracle products, versions, and deployment details.
  • Verify License Entitlements: Ensure that license entitlements align with current deployment status.
  • Document Non-Standard Configurations: Document any custom configurations that may impact licensing.
  • Assess Compliance Posture: Evaluate overall compliance based on discovery findings and ULA terms.


This is the third t C of the 5C’s of ULA Certification.

Compliance Remediation and Rebalancing

You should be becoming compliant with the Oracle ULA contractual obligations by Remediation and Rebalancing of Deployments. This will ensure compliance by addressing any discrepancies between actual usage and licensing entitlements.

This process involves several key activities:

  • Remediation is Addressing Non-Compliance: Identify any areas where your actual usage exceeds your licensing entitlements. Develop a remediation plan to address these discrepancies, which may include purchasing additional licenses or adjusting usage to align with contractual obligations.
  • Rebalancing is Optimizing Deployments: Evaluate your current deployments to identify opportunities for optimization. This may involve consolidating resources, decommissioning unused software, or reallocating licenses to better align with business needs.

Count Again

This is the fourth C of the 5C’s of ULA Certification.

Conduct a Post-Remediation Verification

After remediating and rebalancing your Oracle deployments, it is crucial to conduct follow-up discoveries to verify the effectiveness of your compliance efforts. This step is essential for becoming ready for the ULA Certification


This is the fifth C of the 5C’s of ULA Certification.

Certification Readiness

With thorough preparation and remediation, you can approach Oracle ULA certification with confidence. The certification process typically involves:

  • Declaration of Deployments: Provide a comprehensive declaration of all Oracle software deployments, including:
    • Inventory of Products
    • Deployment Locations
    • Usage Metrics
  • Potential License Audit: Oracle may conduct an audit to verify the information provided.
  • Review of Documentation: Oracle will review your documentation to confirm accuracy and completeness.
  • Interviews and Discussions: Oracle auditors may engage with your team for additional information.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your organization is well-prepared for Oracle ULA certification and avoid potential penalties or forced ULA renewals.


What are the timelines of Oracle ULA Certification

We provide one-time licenses assessments as well as Annual/Bi-Annual Assessment Services. We have helped more than 150 customers certify their Oracle Unlimited License Agreement (ULA).

You might want to read more about our CEO Sheshagiri Anegondi. He is one of the foremost Oracle license experts globally. You can contact him for a deeper understanding of Oracle licensing.

Java is another hugely discussed audit topic in the Oracle world. In case you want to understand the key issues to be considered in choosing between Oracle and non-Oracle Java, you can click here.

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Sheshagiri helps companies reduce Software License & Support costs through deployment optimization and risk management in software license compliance audits. His core skills are Software License Management, Enterprise Software Sales & Sales Management.

Sheshagiri is, currently, the Managing Partner & Principle Licensing Advisor at Rythium Technologies. Prior to this, he was a Vice-President in Oracle Corporation.
