12 Step Oracle ULA Certification or Renewal Process

12 Step Oracle ULA Certification Process for (Exit) Or Renewal

We are presenting the 12 Step Oracle ULA Certification or Renewal Process

What is Oracle ULA Certification or Renewal?

  • Oracle ULA Certification is the process to be followed at the end of the ULA contract term to count the number of Oracle licenses deployed, send this count as a declaration to Oracle and obtain a certified grant of perpetual licenses.
  • Oracle ULA Renewal is when you want to enter a fresh term for the same or different set of products.

Both these events require detailed planning and internal due-diligence. Our Oracle License Experts can help you get the highest return on your ULA investments and mitigate future compliance risks

Background to Oracle ULA Certification or Renewal

Many companies have entered into an Unlimited License Agreement (ULA) with Oracle. If you are one of these companies, you may be wondering what your options are at the end of the agreement.

While the name “unlimited” may suggest that you can deploy Oracle software programs without restriction, a ULA actually provides you with the unlimited deployment right for a specific set of Oracle programs, for a limited number of legal entities, and for a limited period of time.

At the end of the ULA term (typically 1-5 years after the signature date), you will have two main options:

  1. Renew the ULA: You can renew the ULA for another period of time (e.g., 1-5 years or perpetual), for a different or the same number of legal entities, and for less, the same, or more Oracle programs than the original ULA.
  2. Certify the ULA: You can certify the ULA, which means that you will provide Oracle with a signed certification of your usage of Oracle software products during the ULA term. Once you have certified your usage, the Oracle software products you have deployed will become perpetual licenses.

It is important to note that you must notify Oracle if you intend to renew or certify the ULA. If you do not notify Oracle, the ULA will automatically expire.

Which option is right for you?

The best option for you will depend on your specific needs and circumstances. If you expect your usage of Oracle software products to increase significantly, then renewing the ULA may be the best option. However, if your usage is expected to remain relatively stable, then certifying the ULA may be a more cost-effective option.

It is also important to consider the terms of your ULA renewal offer. Oracle may offer you a discount on your renewal fees, but they may also try to lock you into a longer contract term. Be sure to carefully review the renewal offer before making a decision.

If you are unsure which option is right for you, it is a good idea to consult with an Oracle licensing expert. They can help you to understand your options and choose the best option for your needs.

The details of the O12 Step Oracle ULA Certification or Renewal Process are described in the diagram below:

Oracle ULA M&A Clauses Issues

You may read details of the entire process here

You can read some testimonials from our customers here

Apart from ULAs, Java is another very complex license management bugbear from Oracle. Go here if you want to learn about our Java License Analyzer and Java License Review services.

You might want to read more about our CEO Sheshagiri Anegondi (Sheshu). He is amongst the foremost Oracle License Experts globally.



Sheshagiri helps companies reduce Software License & Support costs through deployment optimization and risk management in software license compliance audits. His core skills are Software License Management, Enterprise Software Sales & Sales Management.

Sheshagiri is, currently, the Managing Partner & Principle Licensing Advisor at Rythium Technologies. Prior to this, he was a Vice-President in Oracle Corporation.
